Combination of sonic wave velocity, density and electrical resistivity for joint estimation of gas-hydrate reservoir parameters and their uncertainties

Xin Zhang, Qingping Li, Lixia Li, Qi Fan, Jianhua Geng

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Gas-hydrate saturation and porosity are the most crucial reservoir parameters for gas-hydrate resource assessment. Numerous academics have put forward elastic and electrical petrophysical models for calculating the saturation and porosity of gas-hydrate. However, owing to the limitations of a single petrophysical model, the estimation of gas-hydrate saturation and porosity using single elastic or electrical measurement data appears to be inconsistent and uncertain. In this study, the sonic wave velocity, density and resistivity well log data are combined with a Bayesian linear inversion method for the simultaneous estimation of gas-hydrate saturation and porosity. The sonic wave velocity, density and resistivity data of the Shenhu area in the South China Sea are used to estimate the gas-hydrate saturation and porosity. To validate the accuracy of this method, the estimation results are compared with the saturation obtained from pore water chemistry and porosity obtained from density logs. The well log data examples show that the joint estimation method not only provides a rapid estimation of the gas-hydrate reservoir parameters but also improves the accuracy of results and determines their uncertainty.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Zhang, X., Li, Q., Li, L., Fan, Q., Geng, J. Combination of sonic wave velocity, density and electrical resistivity for joint estimation of gas-hydrate reservoir parameters and their uncertainties. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 10(2): 133-140.


Gas-hydrate, saturation, porosity, bayesian inversion, uncertainty

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