Investigation of fractured carbonate reservoirs by applying shear-wave splitting concept
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In this study, fracture orientations in carbonate reservoirs were determined using a multicomponent velocity analysis based on shear wave splitting. The analysis is based on the estimated velocities of large seismic events with different polarizations. In a fractured zone with a dominant orientation, weak amplitude split shear events, including shear noise, result in shear waves that are polarized toward the symmetry and anisotropy axes and propagate with a common fast and slow velocity, respectively. Thus, a velocity stack should show high coherency anomalies in directions parallel and orthogonal to the fracture strike. Furthermore, because the analysis is applied locally at a specific depth range, it is less susceptible to the effects of overburden anisotropy and noise. The dominant fracture orientations from carbonate reservoirs of four oilfields were compared to those interpreted from fullbore microimager and core data. Fractures in two offshore reservoirs strike NNE-SSW and NW-SE, which are related to Zagros stress. Fractures in two onshore reservoir strikes NE-SW, while in deeper onshore reservoir fractures are aligned with N-S direction. The findings of this study are promising, particularly for the fractured reservoirs especially those located in Abu Dhabi, which are characterized by high heterogeneity and complex fracture network related to complex tectonic history. In order to obtain geometrical parameters of fractures at seismic scale, it is recommended to implement the analysis adapted in this study after acquiring three component zero-offset vertical seismic profiling.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: Diaz-Acosta, A., Bouchaala, F., Kishida, T., Jouini, M. S., Ali, M. Y. Investigation of fractured carbonate reservoirs by applying shear-wave splitting concept. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 7(2): 99-110.
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