Rock physical evolution and microscopic flow mechanism of massive energy replenishment in tight oil reservoirs
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Massive energy replenishment presents a practical approach to increase and maintain the formation pressure in tight oil reservoirs. However, the evolution of rock physical properties after this process remains unclear, posing challenges to further elucidate the related microscopic flow mechanism. In the current work, we designed a physical method that uses online nuclear magnetic resonance to simulate the life cycle of “injection, soaking, and production” in massive energy replenishment. The rock physical properties evolution and pore-scale flow mechanism are analyzed by quantitative and visualization methods. Additionally, the influence of injection volume and production pressure difference on oil recovery is clearly defined. The findings suggest that the primary evolution of microscopic pore structure during massive energy replenishment involves microfractures and micropores, promoting the involvement of more pore throats in the flow. However, the flow capacity increase varies at different locations, with a higher increase observed at the inlet than at others. The increase in pseudo-permeability exhibits exponential growth with the injection volume, and its inflection point positively correlates with initial permeability. Massive water huff and puff significantly enhances oil recovery by increasing the pore pressure and flow channels. The apparent energy enhancement and accumulation effect during soaking facilitates oil drained by imbibition to migrate towards the macropores at the outlet in abundance and being enriched. The inflection point of the increase in the recovery degree can be realized by a small pressure difference in production. Importantly, however, considering the carry-over and extrusion effect of injected water on oil droplets, a combination of flooding and soaking is essential to mobilize the fluid in micro-mesopores.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: Dou, Z., Yang, Z., Dong, C., Li, H., Wang, Y., Hou, H. Rock physical evolution and microscopic flow mechanism of massive energy replenishment in tight oil reservoirs. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 14(1): 49-63.
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